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Ms. Emina Jelešković Successfully Defends PhD Dissertation

On Friday, September 8, 2023, Emina Jelešković, Professional Associate (Methodologist) from the English Language and Literature (ELIT) study program at the IUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS), successfully defended her PhD dissertation  "English Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions of Teacher Competences: A Study of Secondary School English Teachers and Students".

The Defense Committee consisted of the following members: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Almasa Mulalić, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ervin Kovačević, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selvira Draganović and Assist. Prof. Dr. Nadira Puškar-Mustafić from the International University of Sarajevo, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Merima Osmankadić, the external Committee member from the Faculty of Philosophy, the University of Sarajevo. The dissertation addressed the issues of the education system in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and teaching and learning English as a foreign language in secondary schools. The research focused on English teachers’ competences and the main outcome is the proposed teacher competences framework.

Ms. Emina Jelešković successfully defended her doctoral dissertation and was awarded the title of Doctor of Philosophy in English Language and Literature. Hereby, IUS congratulates Dr. Emina Jelešković and wishes her many successful achievements in her future academic endeavors.